This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND PIXELS, which comes out on September 5 and tells the…
In 2012, as work on Mass Effect 3 came to a close, a small group of top BioWare employees huddled to talk about the…
In the 15 years I worked at Toys “R” Us, I sometimes leaked information about video game sales and posted them on…
The Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. The attraction has a…
One day in the late 1990s, Myria walked into the Irvine High School computer room and spotted a boy playing Final…
There’s an old commercial for Westwood College that’s become something of a running joke in the video game world.…
The date is April 19, 2021. In my bizarre alternate dimension, it’s LeBron James’ first playoff game as a…
In February of 2011, fresh off nine months of 80-hour work weeks, Jessica Chavez took a pair of scissors to her…
This is a story about Doom 3’s source code and how beautiful it is. Yes, beautiful. Allow me to explain.
Brigador took five years to create. It’s a mech game with a great retro-chic look, a standout soundtrack, and fully…
You only get one chance to make a first impression, and for many games, that happens at E3. The annual mega show is…
For close to a decade, details about the multiplayer game that Blizzard called Project Titan have remained secret…
Face-to-face LAN parties—local game gatherings, usually PC-focused—just aren’t what they used to be in this modern,…
Last weekend, someone completed one of the most incredible Fallout 3 runs of all time. The rules for the permadeath…
One day in March of last year, video game writer Andrew Dice wrote out a check for all of his company’s money. He…
In the West, Twitch is an internet superpower. In Japan, things couldn’t be more different. Mainstream success will…
In the summer of 2013, months before they were supposed to ship their next video game, the game developers at Bungie…
Before we even start talking, General Mittenz asks me if we can stand for the duration of the interview. “For me,…
Bugs in Fallout: New Vegas might have eaten your save file. Maybe they took away a few hours of progress, or forced…
In 2009, a strange Facebook account appeared out of nowhere and friended people en-masse. The name on the account…