The mood at Infinity Ward, the studio behind 2009's biggest game, is terrible and corporate parent Activision is…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward continues its slow crumble today with the departure of two…
Call of Duty creators and Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward shrinks again today, as more key talent behind the…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare developer Infinity Ward is a little bit smaller today, as two more longtime employees…
The new development studio formed by ousted Modern Warfare creators and its agreement with EA Partners comes as "no…
The drama involving the creators of one of the biggest franchises in gaming continues as Jason West and Vince…
The courtroom drama unfolding over the Call of Duty franchise is in many ways big, and important, and heavy, but…
This week's episode of animated comedy series Family Guy ends with a special treat: a cameo appearance from Modern…
The legal stoush between publishers Activision and former Infinity Ward bosses Jason West and Vince Zampella isn't…
We know court documents aren't generally very entertaining, but the Activision Cross-Complaint against Infinity…
In November, British sci-fi author Richard Morgan said he was hired by Electronic Arts to write stories for three…
Modern Warfare 2's five-map, fifteen-dollar "Stimulus Package" will arrive for both PS3 and PC in North America on…
Activision and Microsoft are exploding with joy over the performance of the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2…
Want to see what all that Modern Warfare 2 fuss is about, PC gamers? Then play the game's multiplayer mode for free…
Despite rumours of Call of Duty developers being "held hostage" over withheld bonus payments, it nevertheless looks…
So you're upset that you have to pay $15 for five maps, two of which are old, and that the Modern Warfare 2…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 remains the most popular game played on Xbox Live since its launch late last year,…
To celebrate today's release of Modern Warfare 2's new Stimulus map pack, publisher Activision delivered copies of…
Set to hit the Xbox 360 next week, the downloadable Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Pack brings with it five new maps and…