Gamescom offered us our first look at the newest game from Sucker Punch, Infamous 2, its new lead character…
Undoing a planned re-design for lead character Cole, Sucker Punch has a new trailer for 2011 PlayStation 3 game…
Cole MacGrath, hero of Infamous and bike messenger, wasn't the best-looking game character in the world. His…
Remember when Cole McGrath debuted his new look on the Game Informer's cover? Never mind! Designers heard the…
Let's get hyped up for inFamous 2, with a look at the gorgeous 2D comic book style cut-scenes that tell the story…
Their panel, From Origins to Evolution, will walk fans through the game that developer Sucker Punch describe as a…
Sucker Punch will apparently not be supporting subtlety in inFamous 2, the PlayStation 3 sequel to its lightning…
As long as Chicago doesn't get lightning-spewing tornadoes we'll be fine.
There are a lot of things you need to know about Sucker Punch's upcoming Playstation 3 action sequel InFamous 2,…
I realise that Sucker Punch had to change the look of Infamous' Cole. But did they really need to change it to this?…
Coming as a surprise to no one, Game Informer's July issue confirms the sequel to Sucker Punch's PlayStation 3…
This might - might - be a teaser for Infamous 2. Thin, we know, but that's what teases are!
I think it means the sequel to Infamous is gonna be called Infamous 2: The Game Dot Com!
Sucker Punch's PlayStation 3 exclusive hero/anti-hero hit Infamous—are you ready for this?—may already have a sequel…