For a game I hadn't really spent much time with, Mirror's Edge sure has blossomed in my thoughts lately. My first…
We hope you're ready for a world in which all games are controlled with your feet, because following the success of W…
Note: This is excerpted from a review I attempted to write, but pulled back as I didn't complete the game. Some of…
Stephen Totilo from MTV Multiplayer and I tag-teamed a Troll today. Multiple Trolls, actually, and dozens of…
Late last month I got a chance to sit down with Will Wright and a few other game writers to check out the full…
It's puzzling to think that Silicon Knights has been plugging away at Too Human for well over a decade now. Sure,…
I often hear longtime platformer fans complain they don't make 'em like they used to, and bemoan the perceived…
Publisher XSeed admits that the first Valhalla Knights was just a wee bit of a hardcore grind, targeted squarely at…
EA had Valve and Turtle Rock's Left 4 Dead on hand at last week's EA3 event, a title it had just shown last month at…
Electronic Arts' casual label showed off their upcoming collection of virtual Hasbro games at the gathering in LA…
Zubo, due out later this year, has DS gamers adventuring around the cartoon world of Zubalon helping and collecting…
So My Pokemon Ranch launched on WiiWare yesterday, and as a self-proclaimed Poke-junkie, I decided to check it out.
I got a chance late last week to get my hands on an early build of the PC version of Luc Bernard's Eternity's…
Yesterday I visited THQ here in New York City, to check out their upcoming lineup of games for this year's Fall and…
I didn't know very much about THQ's Wii-exclusive Deadly Creatures until now, but after seeing a fairly early build…
Capcom shipped in four Street Fighter IV arcade cabinets for its international media event, dubbed Captivate 08,…
Dark Void is basically Crimson Skies with on-foot combat. That may be overgeneralizing things, but Ed Fries…
Capcom's big-budget revitalization of its Bionic Commando intellectual property has the potential be outshone by its…