You're Tim Schafer. You're hosting the Game Developers Choice Awards. But, since you've shaved your beard, put on a…
Hide the Fart is a simple Korean browser game that's all about, well, hiding your farts. You play as a guy at a bus…
The Rockman/Mega Man franchise celebrates its 25th anniversary in December, and I can't imagine a cheerful…
If your Science skill was too low, or if you just enjoyed the LSAT problem of trying to figure out how to brute…
There's not much to Staggering Beauty. Just an instruction to shake vigorously and a warning that those prone to…
As the 2012 Olympics come to a conclusion this weekend, Google this week released four playable versions of its…
Diablo III player Tsimhyr, fed up with the game's follies, decided to do something about it and make his own version…
Like something out of the book 1984, The Republia Times is a small flash game that forces the player to become…
Yesterday, Nike's football division—that would be football football, not American football—cranked up "My Time is…
The single greatest thing to come out of Adult Swim since Adult Swim just got even greater. How could Robot Unicorn…

At the University of Texas "every Friday before finals there's a thing called 'Foam Sword Friday,'" writes Austin…
Kanye Zone may look, play and sound like a cheap flash HTML5 game, and...well, it is. That doesn't stop it being a…
QWOP, the notorious, accursed, and "most realistic simulation" of the 100-meter dash ever made, has a sequel. 2QWOP…

The highly anticipated—and it says a lot that term is being used with a flash game—Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2.0…

In 2010, a fan-made game called Super Mario Bros. Crossover was released, which let players tackle the Nintendo…

Abobo's Big Adventure takes the Double Dragon villain and sends him on an epic, if a little tough, quest through a…
Pippin Barr is back at it again. The video game researcher and artist has built a series of flash games based on the…
You remember Happy Wheels? Free flash game, dangerously fun/funny. Well, this being Christmas and all, its creator…
Drink or say something stupid. Drink. Drink then say something stupid. Drink. Drink then try and say something…