Paratopic is a horror game about cursed video tapes and horrible monsters lurking in the woods. Following an…
Paratopic is a horror game about cursed video tapes and horrible monsters lurking in the woods. Following an…
The developer for a cult classic, experimental horror game disappeared from the internet for a decade. Their sudden,…
On Christmas, like many people all around the world, I spent some quality time with my siblings hunched around a…
Playing Doki Doki Literature Club is like realizing you have a fever: For a while you deny the creeping feeling that…
We’re starting up a playthrough of Visceral Games’ horror classic Dead Space right now on Twitch. Cut off their limbs!
The Golden Age of survival horror games began in the mid-90s and ran for about a decade. Despite their often…
Kitty Horrorshow was the first game maker to tell me she was a witch, and it wasn’t a joke. On the contrary,…
Resident Evil 7 was a watershed moment for the series that reinvigorated the languishing franchise. Series producer…
I’ve been sneaking and shooting my way through Resident Evil 7 for the last day and loving it. It’s a big breath of…
Pewdiepie has been on YouTube for about five years now. Inevitably, some fans who have stuck with him the entire way…
Layers of Fear, a promising horror game about a tortured artist, is leaving Early Access on February 16 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Patricia took a look at the in-development version of Layers of Fear last year, and having played it for myself, I can back her up: it’s terrifying. Read more
Fallout 4 is set in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston is pretty close to Salem, the town famous for the wrongful…
I spent a few minutes staring at the screen when SOMA ended. It’s messed up, and even though you can see it coming,…
Few games shook me the way Outlast did in 2013, so it pleases me greatly that we’re finally getting a sequel next…
If you’d like to be scared shitless tonight, you’ve come to the right place.
Some horror games hand the player a gun, while others force them to run and hide. The Night That Speaks goes another…
Things get pretty messed up the closing chapter of the Life is Strange saga. At times, Polarized can even feel like…
The P.T.-inspired Allison Road has cancelled its Kickstarter, and will instead partner up with Worms developer Team17. The move will “give us the chance to make our game unhindered creatively. The team is looking at ways to provide former backers with in-game rewards at a later date. Read more
Ice-Pick Lodge is releasing a tweaked version of their cult classic horror game, Pathologic, this fall. It’s getting updated visuals, a brand-new translation, and more. They crowdfunded a remake coming in late 2016, as well.
I don’t think you’re supposed to perform your own spinal surgery, right?