While Metal Gear Solid is a franchise that has included torture in the past, not only are more and more games…
For some reason, Metal Gear Solid V is erotic. Or sexy. Or something. But honestly, the game isn't sexy enough.…
First, Hideo Kojima wanted the mute female sniper of Metal Gear Solid V to appear "erotic." That was either a poor…
For face scans like this you need a bunch of cameras. A whole bunch.
Hideo Kojima isn't letting the designs of Metal Gear Solid characters happen willy-nilly, you know. There is purpose…
All-star game designer Hideo Kojima turned 50 on Saturday, so consider this a belated happy birthday to the Metal…
I enjoyed Lore's rundown of Metal Gear Solid 4 Lore in a Minute. So I also enjoyed this breakdown of the origin of…
When Zone of the Enders HD Collection was released, it did not look good. It looked so bad that Z.O.E. creator Hideo…
Chin up, Hideo! Don't let something like a new Grand Theft Auto V trailer get you down.
It's no surprise that Hideo Kojima, maker of games about people, giant robots and war would like a new summer…
There was a rumour earlier this week that Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima was trying to sign up a developer to…
Nine minutes! That's a long freakin' time. Not all the footage is brand, brand new, but be warned, it's rather…
Hong Kong based collectible maker ThreeA previously released a jumbo-sized Metal Gear REX figure. And now? Now, it…
Back in 2012, game creator Hideo Kojima unveiled a new Zone of the Enders project titled "Enders Project". And now…
Remember when Metal Gear Solid 4 was launched? And how it was such a big deal that the game wasn't coming to the…
We already suspected that Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima had a thing for Ryan Gosling (who doesn't?) after…
Yesterday, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima tweeted out this picture. He wrote that he was in the process of checking…
"It’s been fifteen years, nine games, and an enormous blast to undertake. If it were my choice, I would do this role forever. To hear anyone else’s voice coming from Snake’s battered throat, makes me a little ill, to be honest."
- David Hayter, talking movingly today in a must-read Twitter message about not playing… Read more
There was a very special fedora at this week's Game Developers Conference. It was placed on the heads of numerous…
Hideo Kojima once again says Metal Gear Solid V will be his last Metal Gear. Haven't heard that one before! More on GTTV.