Metal Gear's creator took to Twitter to talk about the conceptual origins behind the name of series protagonist…
This...portrait (?) of the famous developer isn't fan art, it's an official LEGO image, done by Warner Bros. and…
So, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes is short. Really short. That's got a lot of people upset, considering its $20-40…
Metal Gear Solid has changed. It's not about rudimentary polygons, or abstract graphics. It's an endless series of…
We told you not to be surprised! We told you that game designer Hideo Kojima was making MGSV character Quiet all…
Guess what Hideo Kojima is doing? That's right, he's showing off Ground Zeroes again—this time, demonstrating the Xbox One version's second screen capabilities on tablets and smartphones. Check out his photos above and below. Read more
Boy, that Hideo Kojima! First, he torments us with Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on the PS4, and now via Twitter…
With only two months left 'till release, fans all over the world shout his name while shaking their fists in…
Excited about Metal Gear Solid V? Wondering when the main part, The Phantom Pain, is coming out? Game creator Hideo…
The first part of Metal Gear Solid V wasn't always going to be on next-gen consoles—in fact, series creator Hideo…
Here's a brand new look at one of the missions in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, the first part of MGSV, which…
So it looks like it's not just Ellie from The Last of Us with a twin sister. Joel has one too: Big Boss from Metal…
"The first thing is, I shouldn't have talked about clones," said Hideo Kojima, laughing.
Sure, the PlayStation 4 is the main attraction at Sony's big New York press event today. But a surprising upstart…
"Quiet," the sniper character of Metal Gear Solid V, is rather unsensibly (un)dressed for combat. Creator Hideo…
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be divided into 2 parts: The prologue, Ground Zeroes, which takes place…
Kotaku's impressions of the MGSV side ops demo sounded pretty darn cool. But nothing can beat eyes-on impressions…
Metal Gear Solid V isn't out yet. Heck, there wasn't even a playable demo at this year's Tokyo Game Show. Until we…
If nothing else, Hideo Kojima knows how to work a crowd. So it's only natural that he'd have something extra planned…
Looking at its gameplay, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain and its prologue, Ground Zeroes capture the spirit of…