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Heroes of the Storm put out its hero spotlight for the soon-to-be-released character King Leoric last night, giving a bit more detail on how his ridiculous-sounding “undying” trait will work. This guy never has to leave a battle—even if he gets killed! That’s gonna take some getting used to.

Blizzard has weighed in on the two issues players have had with The Butcher since he dropped into Heroes of the Storm last week. They confirmed that his unstoppable charge move is bugged “and will be fixed with an upcoming patch.” As for his gameplay balance, they said he is “nowhere near underpowered or overpowered.”

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Heroes of the Storm’s resident oddball Abathur is almost as good at clapping as the Smash Bros. cast. Almost. He just needs a little nudge in the right direction. Thank you, Zelendorf, for this hilarious video I can’t seem to stop watching.
