343 Industries has truly upgraded the Mark VII Rare Armor Core with this one
343 Industries has truly upgraded the Mark VII Rare Armor Core with this one
The ‘Winter Contingency’ event for 343’s shooter runs through January 3, 2022
343 Industries hasn’t officially added the feature yet but this glitch makes it possible–with some serious…
The ‘Fracture: Tenrai’ event’s battle pass will feature more cosmetics in round two
It’s not just the HAZOP’s price tag—it’s the repurposing of legacy armor that’s typically free
343 Industries continues to work on reducing the 'friction' players might find when progressing through the battle…
Yes, it’s technically a viable ‘oddball’ strategy, but it’s so annoying
Also coming on that date, the already announced Fiesta, FFA and SWAT playlists too
But the latest Xbox shooter from 343 Industries has plenty more secrets buried inside its big open-world
343 may have sped up the battle pass, but level 100 is still far away
The highly touted Xbox Series X/S feature still doesn’t gel with online games
Tiny military vehicles are infesting Halo Infinite multiplayer and it rules
Save the Heroic and Legendary difficulties for next year’s co-op mode
The best tips, tricks, guns, and secrets for 343’s big new shooter
Serious Sam 4 burst without warning onto Microsoft’s subscription service this week
Multiplayer matches don't always provide you full teams, even though it's the mode where everything counts
343 Industries' visual and audio design is extremely impressive
343’s shooter isn’t even out yet, and streamers are already cracking BotW-style exploits
Get ready to play Fiesta, SWAT, and Free-For All to your heart’s content
Is it worth eating Chipotle for [checks notes] five whole challenge swaps?