Go ahead. Look the grizzled, battle-scarred Marcus Michael Fenix in the face and tell him his third game sucks. You…
OK, not really. It's the special edition Gears of War 3 Xbox 360 console, which happens to include the upcoming…
GameStop sent us a box of underwear, t-shirts and steak seasoning to help promote their Go Commando Gears of…
The first act of Gears of War 3 is impressively muscular and surprisingly graceful, a role model for shooter fans…
Late last week, Microsoft was kind enough to send along a massive box containing the Epic Edition of Gears of War 3.…
There will be more than 20,000 midnight launches next week to kick off the release of Xbox 360's Gears of War 3.
The 'Shop Contest we run on weekends is for bragging rights only. deviantART don't fuck around, however. It's…
Ice-T, rapper, actor, original gangster, Gears of War fan and occasional unboxer, directs his taking things out of…
In today's totally timely episode of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Mindsale would like to have a word with the…
On September 20, the same day Epic and Microsoft unleashed Gears of War 3, Sumthing Else Music Works will release…
In anticipation of the upcoming Gears of War 3, Microsoft and Epic contracted novelist and Extra Lives: Why Video…
If you've missed the first two games in the series, and don't have time to catch up on large necks and dead wives…
Gears of War 3 comes out so soon we can almost see it. Yes on September 20 you'll get back to chainsawing through…
A remastered version of Gears of War classic multiplayer map Gridlock rounds out the ten multiplayer maps that will…
So. I realize that recently, I've questioned why in the world anyone would want to watch leaked footage of Gears 3…
I recently got myself in a bit of hot water by mentioning I wasn't all that excited for Gears of War 3. I didn't…
Being neither pirates nor attendees of the most recent Gears of War preview event, we haven't played the campaign…
Epic Games has a common visual style running through all its games. Gears of War looks like Unreal Tournament which…
The people who make Gears of War (and Unreal Tournament, Infinity Blade) also have a "new unannounced IP in…
It's something I've wondered about. When a game like Gears of War 3 is leaked ahead of its release date, I can…