Didn't play the first Prototype, but want to play the second and don't know what the hell is going on? Well, watch…
Didn't play the first Prototype, but want to play the second and don't know what the hell is going on? Well, watch…
This year's Gamescom brings something new from Dark Souls, the dark role-playing game from From Software and Namco…
We've already given you an early look at X-men: Destiny, the game that lets you choose your powers. Today at…
Tekken Hybrid is not an eco-friendly battery powered version of the Iron Fist Tournament. No, it's Tekken: Blood…
We've known for some time now that, among other things, Altair would be making his comeback as a playable character…
I know Spider-Man's on-again, off-again lust interest is supposed to have bad luck powers, but with Battlestar…
Valve's Gamescom booth is dedicated to the hosting of The International the first tournament and hands-on with…
Of all the games we've seen so far destined for the new PlayStation Vita, none epitomise the gulf between Sony's…
It's been an eventful Gamescom for Blizzard so far, with fresh details on Diablo III and the end of Deathwing in the…
Blockhead - Crecente shows his true face while working in the Gamescom press room.
Diablo III's beta will hit by September, hopefully before, Blizzard game director Jay Wilson said during a Gamescom…
When dealing with an infestation of acid-blooded insectoid aliens, you're bound to run into certain situations that…
Soon hardened World of Warcraft players will have a chance to take on Deathwing in a Cataclysm-shaking end fight.
As seen at Ubisoft's Just Dance 3 stage show. You can also get up there and try to dance with them. Something that…
When DMC: Devil May Cry was first unveiled, all people could see (and react to, and shriek in horror at) was the…
Here's a quick look at some of the many booths crowding the halls of a Gamescom still free of its many passionate…
Every new console or handheld needs that one game. That one title that you show first to friends, family and…
It would have been a blue Christmas without a new Zelda title under our Christmas Wii, but Nintendo comes through…
Diablo and his minions will dole out the most extreme player punishment in Diablo III, thanks to its fourth, harder…
Featuring a cartonny sci-fi art style, WildStar is the latest MMORPG from NCSoft. The game is being developed by…