Well, one copy of Red Faction: Armageddon showed up at Kotaku's LA offices this week, so why not give it a spin this…
Looks like I might be up to my eyeballs in lens flare this weekend if I play some Dungeon Siege III, as I intend to…
I'll be catching up to my fellow Kotaku editors on their L.A. Noire progress this weekend, finally getting my feet…
Unless a copy of L.A. Noire magically shows up at Kotaku Towers West this weekend, I'm gonna keep this weekend…
This weekend, I may revisit an old friend, Counter-Strike: Source, for some mindless, getting-shot-in-the-head fun.…
I shall get my Motorstorm Apocalypse on this weekend, giving the natural disaster racing game a little more…
It'll be another extremely busy weekend for people who play video games, people like me who are still neck deep in…
I really want to play Portal 2 this weekend. I hope the combined computing powers of Steam players and/or the FedEx…
The old PSP gets a little love from me this weekend, thanks to the copy of Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection…
I'm not gonna lie. This weekend will be a major Demon's Souls weekend. Again. After investing more than 100 hours in…
I'll be hunkering down on this week's most interesting new release, Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP,…
Torchlight in the Xbox 360. Slam Bolt Scrappers in the PlayStation 3. Gotta make my mind up. Which game should I…
This weekend feels like a hack and slash kind of weekend, a chance to play some Torchlight on Xbox Live Arcade—even…
When this editor gets home from GDC 2011, the first thing he'll be doing is buying a copy of Dead Space 2 add-on…
Who else will be curling up with a copy of Bulletstorm and foulmouthedly booting and shooting space thugs into…
I've dusted off the old PSP—and I gotta tell ya, it was disgustingly dusty—to play some Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling…
After a week spent playing Dead Space 2 and Demon's Souls, I could use a little cheer. So I'll be firing up some…
This weekend, I'll be both running and gunning as I work my way through Konami's new Contra spin-off, Hard Corps:…
Once more unto the new game plus, dear friends. I'll be playing through Dead Space 2 this weekend for the second…
Dead Space 2, bitches! Wow, sorry, that was way out line. That kind of language just isn't appropriate for our…