I'll be up to my plastic button eyes in LittleBigPlanet 2 this weekend, playing, creating, maybe even sharing a…
Torchlight? Yes. Bejeweled Blitz Live? Probably. Beyond Good And Evil HD? You bet. Some bad Chinese Kinect knock…
That's right. Bejeweled 3. PopCap Games' match-three puzzle game has sunk its casual claws into my mind and now I…
Can't put this one off any longer. It's time to try (and quite possibly fail miserably doing so) to play some NBA…
What am I not playing this weekend might be a better question. Why? Because on the agenda this weekend are NBA 2K11,…
If things go horribly wrong this weekend, I'll be playing Solitaire on my iPhone. But if things go ideally, maybe…
This Kotaku editor is strapping on the space marine armor for the first time in a long time, ready to rip through…
One might think that with an extended weekend and cheap video games abound that some of us at Kotaku Towers would be…
Me and Sonic the Hedgehog have some catching up to do, so I'll be playing Sonic Colors almost exclusively all…
Will I be playing Sonic Colors this weekend? Only the UPS man (or FedEx man) knows for sure. And will Sonic Colors…
This weekend, liquefied guts will be all over my television screen as I spend a little more time with Fist of the…
My weekend gaming plans are part work, part fun, as I'll be basking in the horror of Amnesia: Dark Descent, capping…
Another weekend, another chance to play more Rock Band 3, only this time I plan on doing it with a full band, the…
Normally, we let Kotaku readers sound off on their weekend gaming plans on Friday with a speculative "What are you…
Will I actually be playing "The Sacrifice" in both Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 before Tuesday? God, I hope so. But…
It's time to put the copy of Borderlands back in the Xbox 360. There's a Claptrap uprising happening this weekend…
If things go according to plan this weekend, I'll be playing a little bit of everything—Tokyo Jungle, Sonic Colors,…
Am I in Tokyo? Or am I in London? Have I traveled to the future? Perhaps playing the time-bending Professor Layton…
It's Labor Day weekend here in the United States and we at Kotaku will celebrate the three day weekend in the…
Normally, we check in with the Kotaku readership on Fridays to see what's on the gaming menu for the weekend.…