In the wake of changes to Steam’s default privacy settings yesterday, unofficial data and sales tracking kingpin Stea…

Earlier this week, Chasm, the years-in-development action-adventure platformer inspired by games like Super Castlevan…
Félix Habert is a game designer and staff representative at Eugen Systems, a small French studio behind several…
Félix Habert is a game designer and staff representative at Eugen Systems, a small French studio behind several…
In March 2015, at a party at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Megan Farokhmanesh met a developer…
On any given day, CEO André Thomas arrives at his company Triseum’s office in Bryan, Texas at nine in the morning.…
Video game enthusiasts often muse about the secrecy surrounding game development, which is at times treated as if it…
Video game publishers are notoriously secretive about the budgets behind their games, but when a number does slip…
Games lie to us all the time. Recently, some developers took to Twitter to share a few of their ones, revealing…
In the wake of yesterday’s news that Rockstar has bumped Red Dead Redemption 2 to 2018, you may be wondering: why do…

The Legend of Zelda has legacy, and every entry in the series is a chance to embrace or refute that tradition.…
Kitty Horrorshow was the first game maker to tell me she was a witch, and it wasn’t a joke. On the contrary,…
Final Fantasy VII nearly had a lot more character deaths than Aeris, according to an oral history published on Polygon. Director Yoshinori Kitase originally planned to kill off most of the party by the end of the game. Read more

A creative game developer has worked out a way to incorporate Minecraft builds into his game, turning the blocky…
My children used to love playing with colorful plastic blocks. Then they discovered iPad entertainment, and there…
I love origin stories, especially when they’re related to games.

It’s become clear, a week after the launch of No Man’s Sky, that the much-hyped space game has not lived up to many…
This blog post, by game developer Rami Ismail, was originally published on his website. We’ve republished it here…