The Overzealous Video Game Producer

The following satirical look at game design is an excerpt from Kotaku freelancer Matthew S. Burns’ wonderful new


“So what does a game designer do? Are you an artist? Do you design characters and write the story? Or no, wait,


Like reading behind-the-scenes stories about what it’s like to make games? Good news: I’m writing a book full of them! The book, which will be published by HarperCollins in the fall of 2017, will be a compilation of stories not unlike the Destiny piece we ran in October. You’ll hear much more about it next year!

This is cool: The Game Developers Conference has made a whole bunch of talks from this year’s GDC available to watch for free online. There’s some great stuff in there, from classic game postmortems to modern developers talking candidly about how they made their games.
