For Westerners, the conditions are shocking. Workers slave away for hours on end, pulling overtime, until their legs…
This week, a report surfaced that a group of 300 Xbox 360 factory workers threatened to commit suicide en masse over…
Earlier this week, Kotaku told you about how a large number of employees at a Foxconn factory in China had…
Last month, when I got my hands on the PS Vita, the first thing I did was open the box. The second? Flipped over the…
An earlier piece on the mass suicide threat at the Foxconn electronics manufacturing factory reported how 300 people…
On Jan. 2, over 300 employees at a Foxconn plant in Wuhan, China threatened to throw themselves off a building in a…
The new iPhone game Phone Story hits awfully close to home—the game concerns itself with the real-world costs of…
Foxconn assembles your Xbox 360s, your PS3s, your PSPs, your iPhones, your iPads, your Wiis and your Nintendo DS…
Early Friday morning, a worker at Foxconn's Shenzhen plant "fell to death", reports Xinhua News Agency (via…
"An Xbox gaming area was not as well attended," writes Giz's Joel Johnson. Check here for more photos and details…
This year, a rash of suicides at the factories of manufacturing giant Foxconn has focused attention on working…
That's not street art. Those are the "suicide nets" erected at console manufacturer Foxconn's Longhua complex in…
Foxconn — the manufacturer of the PS3, the Xbox 360 and the Wii — held a rally at its complex in Shenzhen, China.…
Foxconn is famous for two things: Manufacturing electronics (the PS3, the Nintendo Wii, the Xbox 360 and the…
This time it isn't an employee falling off a roof or out of a window. This time, it's pesticide.
An employee at a Foxconn affiliate has fallen to his death at a company dormitory building, reports the Xinhua news…
In the wake of suicides and international scrutiny, Foxconn Technology is preparing to build...another enormous…
This year, Foxconn's Shenzhen factory has been hit with a rash of suicides. The company has taken measures to…
Following a rash of suicides, workers at the Foxconn Shenzhen factory have a shot at a raise. Another one.