Foxconn assembles your Xbox 360s, your PS3s, your PSPs, your iPhones, your iPads, your Wiis and your Nintendo DS units. And some of its workers are not happy.
This week, Foxconn employees tell Reuters that they held protests during the week over wages. "The entire street here was filled with workers," a worker told Reuters. "There were perhaps six or seven thousand." The Foxconn employees, the worker continued, are "not satisfied".
Workers at a Foxconn affiliate in Foshan are apparently demanding higher wages and protested Foxconn's plans to relocate the factories to China's interior, which is attractive due to its lower wages.
One worker tells Reuters that the basic salary at Foshan is the equivalent of US$168.80 a month, a figure that is less than what Foxconn previously promised to pay.
Apparently, Foxconn did not agree to the demands and threatened to fire any employees who strike.
Foxconn tells Reuters that there was not any organized protests this week, but did state that some workers requested higher ways. Foxconn did not disclose how many workers.
Earlier this month, there were reports that yet another worker at Foxconn's Shenzhen plant "fell to death".
More problems for China's Foxconn over workers' pay [Reuters]