King of The Hill was on for from 1997 to 2010, aired over 250 episodes, won two Emmy awards and has been called one…
Boundary Break’s latest video is all about the fan-favorite game The Simpsons: Hit & Run and some of the weird…
Bart Simpson is entering the world of esports in an upcoming episode of The Simpsons.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate officially landed on the Nintendo Switch last Friday, giving folks just enough time to…
At this weekend’s Holiday Bash Smash Invitational, some of the best in Super Smash Bros. Melee are coming together…
Zoie Burgher, a banned Twitch streamer who is making big waves on YouTube, might soon have to take down most of her…
Last Sunday’s episode of Family Guy used an old YouTube clip of NES classic Double Dribble to simulate two…
The long-awaited crossover between The Simpsons and Family Guy doesn't air until September 29, but Comic-Con…
With Independence Day right around the corner, Fox's Animation Domination mixes a comic book icon with horrible U.S.…
Racism, sexism, homophobia, pedophilia — all the horrible things that makes Family Guy what it is are present in Fami…
There's a new Family game for mobile, called Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff. It's not out yet, but for a few hours…
For those of you unable to drop $200 on the extravagant LEGO Simpsons house released earlier this year, The LEGO…
The next video game in the world of Aliens will star the daughter of superstar space officer Ellen Ripley, according…
Today, an old man went on television and complained about video games. Then someone proved him horribly wrong.
With the console and PC release of Aliens: Colonial Marines right around the corner, Fox Digital Entertainment…
Unable to get any satisfaction from Glee, 20th Century Fox Television, or its lawyers, Jonathan Coulton has put his…
Fox plans to make a television series out of EA's Battlefield: Bad Company, Deadline reports.
Of course, he can't come out and say it's Fox News - we live in a world plagued by lawyers - but when Alex Jones,…
This year marked the first year in Japan that the sale of adult diapers surpassed baby nappies. The country's…