Shan Qiao is a concept artist and illustrator who has worked for companies like Sony Santa Monica and Blizzard.
Deryl Braun is an illustrator and concept artist based in Germany.
Claudio Pilia is a freelance concept artist from Germany who has worked on stuff like Game of Thrones and Justice…
Michael Uwandi is a concept artist who has worked for companies like Disney, Fox and Sony.
Steffi Walthall is an illustrator and concept artist who has worked in games, film and publishing.
Han is a Chinese-Vietnamese artist currently based in Belgium.
Natalie Dombois is an illustrator and graphic designer from Germany.
Hunter is an artist who has worked on games like Duelyst and Ikenfell.
Douglas P. Lobo is a digital painter based in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Ulysse Verhasselt is a freelance concept artist and illustrator from Finland.

Jordan Vogt-Roberts (Kong: Skull Island) is directing the Metal Gear Solid movie, and to get the pre-production ball…
Miguel Nogueira is a freelance concept artist from Portugal.
Alexander Matovykh is a freelance concept artist from Russia.
Park JunKyu is an artist from Korea. Here, among other pieces, is his take on a more futuristic version of some of…
Jennifer Wuestling is an illustrator and concept artist working at Riot Games, the studio behind League of Legends.
David Heidhoff is an artist working at 343 Industries, the developers of the Halo series.