Intrigued by how much players love Final Fantasy XIV but unsure how to get started? The game’s open beta for the…
I do not speak a lick of French, and yet the first thing I did upon (finally) unlocking Heavensward, Final Fantasy…
Last night, I finished the true ending of A Realm Reborn and made it, at long last, to Heavensward. This means yes,…
My journey through Final Fantasy XIV continues apace. My bard and black mage are now at level 46, and I’m currently…
Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida recently spoke about the future of the massively multiplayer online…
There’s a new Final Fantasy XIV expansion coming later this year, but first we’ve got some loose ends to tie up. The…
During tonight’s Final Fantasy XIV showcase, Square Enix announced its next expansion, Endwalker, for release this…
Speaking to people online can be fraught with miscommunication, but a recent interaction in Final Fantasy XIV made…
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers just released its anticipated 5.4 patch this week, entitled Futures Rewritten.…
Final Fantasy XIV producer Naoki Yoshida discusses his career in a thirty-minute YouTube documentary. It’s an interesting look into what makes Yoshida tick as he speaks in-depth about his work and the future of games.
Final Fantasy XIV’s final update of 2020, Futures Rewritten patch 5.4, launches on December 8. Along with new dungeons, main story quests, and trials, the patch adds Explorer Mode, which lets players explore dungeons and take screenshots without worrying about getting murdered by enemies. I’m down for some of that.
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…
Welcome to Morning Music, Kotaku’s daily hangout for folks who love video games and the cool-ass sounds they make.…
Square Enix announced today that Final Fantasy XIV will get patch 5.4, called Futures Rewritten, in early December.…
A few expansions into playing Final Fantasy XIV, I decided to try leveling one of the game’s many crafting classes.…
Wonder how things are coming along with Final Fantasy XVI? You’re not alone. Nier creator Yoko Taro does, too, and…
Be it Sephiroth or Seymour, Zemus or Kuja, Kefka or a weird evil tree, Final Fantasy does not lack for classic…
The other night, I played Warframe with some of my actual, flesh-and-blood friends for the first time. I was…
After waiting through COVID-related delays, the newest patch of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers is finally…