I love love love love Final Fantasy X. Like, seriously love it. So this is pretty much perfect and I need it.
Along with the news that every preorder of the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will be upgraded to the Limited…
Did you ever think to yourself, "Hey, Final Fantasy X and X-2 are good and all, but what they really need is another…
Right now, you can play any mainline Final Fantasy game on a modern system—PS3, Vita, iOS, etc.—except for two: Final…
Final Fantasy X was not my first Final Fantasy, nor is it my favorite by a long shot, but it was the Final Fantasy…
I've always thought Final Fantasy X-2 was rather underrated by the Internet At Large.
The first years of the new millennium brought us the seventh generation of video game consoles, and with that came a…
You don't necessarily need noisy, crowded cities to make a section of a game exciting. Uninhabited wastelands,…
You know the story: Rough, wild individual settles down. Gets a job. And turns into a boring member of society. It…
We only just got confirmation that the HD remasters of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 are coming to North…
Square Enix has just announced that both Final Fantasy X and X-2 are getting the HD treatment not just in Japan, but…
According to what looks like a Jump Magazine leak (below), the HD remaster of Final Fantasy X is coming to the…
Water levels can be pain in the ass, especially when unnecessarily complex gameplay mechanics meet blurry,…
Earlier this week, Square Enix showed off character models from the upcoming HD version of Final Fantasy X. The…
Tonight, Sony and Square Enix showed images of Final Fantasy X, the HD version for the PS Vita. Here are the HD…
With Valentine's Day putting us all in a romantic mood it was our duty to gather some of the defining aaaawww…
The recent launch of Path Of Exile's open beta—a new hack & slash action RPG known especially for its enormous skill…
Sony's PS Vita sure is struggling! Launching new hardware isn't easy—just ask Nintendo. But while Nintendo was able…
The ending of role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII-2 was a little unsatisfying. And by "a little unsatisfying," I…
You thought Tidus from Final Fantasy X had an awful laugh? Have you heard the original Japanese version?