Street Fighter X Tekken released on March 6, 2012, meaning Namco Bandai has been answering so-where-the-hell-is-it…
The biggest event in the fighting game genre has come and gone but that doesn't mean that first-class competition…
If you were hoping to see a giant, flopping, egg-spewing salmon as the next character in Tekken Revolution, I have…
It's been a week since EVO 2013 , and while you can revisit any of the Grand Finals, or an anthology of the best…
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 was, on the whole, considered a better balanced edition than regular-old Marvel vs.…
The Road to EVO—a series of tournaments leading up to the biggest fighting game tournament of the year—is coming to…
The NYU Game Center will be partnering with the EVO competitive gaming tournament to provide a MFA scholarship for prospective game designers to help "create the future of fighting games." More info is available at the Game Center website. They're also considering funding undergraduates using the same scholarship… Read more
Yesterday's Kotaku article about the arrest of a fighting game competitor for allegedly striking his ex-girlfriend…
Tom and Tony Cannon know about building communities. Specifically, communities for people who compete in games where…
They call one of them The Beast. The other goes by Skillian. Together, they represent the collective passion that…
The success of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, not to mention all the SNK titles, spawned a crazy amount of…
Benoit Perreault is a UI designer at Eidos Montreal. Before that, though, he worked at Ubisoft, where in his spare…
Last month, the developers of Skullgirls launched a crowdsourcing campaign, asking for $150,000 to introduce a…
A fighting game that has only two buttons—and that only has one-hit kills. A fighting game dreamed up as a joke but…
Wrestling video games are quite varied. It's not just about annual licensed stuff! And, you can always count on the…
Here's ReallyFreakinClever with an earnest video about the merits of Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. You may not…
It never went anywhere, and maybe that's a good thing, but this is a demonstration Studio Gigante put together for…
The folks over at Evo, a video game tournament organization dedicated to fighting-games like Marvel vs. Capcom and Te…
A player's mettle isn't tested solely by his or her ability to press buttons in the right way, at the right time.…
Seven of the eight games that'll make up this year's EVO fighting game tournament in Las Vegas have been announced…