Last year Nukapedia, the fan-run Fallout wiki, fought against the for-profit wiki hosting company Fandom adding…
Sims fans are excited as hell for the upcoming Seasons expansion pack. It’s been long awaited, given that every game…
As No Man’s Sky players gear up for Next, the big update coming in July, they’re readying their communities to…
As the Overwatch Anniversary skins and emotes trickle out, fans are getting hyped over a few specific ones. Moira’s…
Goro Akechi was just revealed for Persona 5 Dancing Star Night, and Persona 5 are losing their minds over it.
Fanfiction is hardly a new phenomenon, but that doesn’t always mean it was safe to write. For a time, in certain…
Blizzard is releasing a special Mercy skin where all the proceeds go to breast cancer research. Fans are in love…
It should be clear from the very first line of “HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” also known as “30 Hs,” that it is…
If you’ve heard a young person talking about “fork knife” in the past few days, they not talking about their…
Persona 5 fans are very excited about a DLC costume that depicts the main character as a sexy lady cop, and I cannot…
At a recent Philadelphia Fusion watch party, a man proposed to his girlfriend by asking her to “be the Mercy to my…
Ever since Brigitte was introduced as a new hero for Overwatch, some fans have been excitedly shipping her with…
In 2001, when the first Lord of the Rings movie came out, no one anticipated how big a hit the cinematic adaptations…
If you don’t read fanfiction, it’s hard to really understand the purpose it serves. At its worst fanfiction is self…
When I hear the term “shipping” I usually try to remember if I ordered something online that I can track obsessively…
In fandom, the rules of fiction don’t matter, or at least matter a lot less. This is what allows shipping to exist,…
No Man’s Sky fans can’t exactly play with each other, but they still like to come together to celebrate their…
Overwatch fandom is split on Hanzo’s new skin. Love it or hate it, they can’t stop drawing it and talking about it.
Overwatch has a new character, Moira O’Deorain, a support who’s a member of the antagonistic Talon organization.…