It's easy to get caught up in the jumpscares of Five Nights at Freddy's and leave it at that. But underneath those…
Even if you watched The Game Awards last week, it's easy to miss the detail that some Hideo Kojima fans are…
There are things inside the new Pokémon games. Cute things, sure. Everyone knows about those. But there are also…
If you've played Five Night's At Freddy's (or the sequel), then you've probably heard all sorts of rumors and…
Hidden inside the vast world of Dragon Age Inquisition are a few nods and references to Bioware's other big game, M…
After finishing the first Toy Story, I wouldn't blame anyone for having zero sympathy for Sid Phillips, Andy's mean…
Goku showing up on earth kicked off a whole string of ridiculous events in the Dragon Ball world, not all of which…
The PS4 teaser for Silent Hills may end up having nothing to do with the final product. Still, it's fascinating to…
Pixar films aren't the only movies with amazing fan-theories, you know. Disney movie fans have come up with some…