There are two pieces of Fallout 3 DLC on the way. One called "The Pitt", one called "Broken Steel". They were due…
Folks looking for a last-minute gift for fans of classic PC games might want to check out the limited-edition…
Michael Abbott of the Brainy Gamer has a nice reminder of why we play RPGs (well, those of us who play RPGs), based…
Gametrailers has put together a very comprehensive retrospective on Fallout that fans will very much enjoy, and…
One of these games shouldn't be sold to the public. No, it's not Viking: Battle for Asgard, but that's a very good…
The wait between Fallout 2 and Fallout 3 was way too long, Eight years too long, in fact. So will we have to wait…
Magazine PSM3 reviewed upcoming title Fallout 3. It's an exclusive review, and a review that's been leaked onto the…
If you are looking forward to Fallout 3 but are either too young to remember the original or just fancy reliving a…
Having played Oblivion on PC, I can safely say that user-generated mods saved that game. Fixed the AI, improved the…
Publisher Interplay continues to pick itself up and dust itself off, hoping to turn our warm memories of Earthworm…
Two more readers have decided to permanently mark their bodies to show how much they love gaming (and wearing…
When Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification board refused to rate Fallout 3, it did so due to one…
Fallout 3 and LittleBigPlanet tied for the game with the most awards handed out for this year's Game Critics Best of…
That's a pic taken deep in the bowels of Bethesda HQ. As you can see, that there is a fairly sizeable lineup of the…
After a rather grueling year, I am taking a self-enforced vacation from academia for a few days to recharge. But if…
More free stuff on GameTap? Sign me up. Interplay have announced a deal with the service whereby some of their…
Heeeey, it's Jin Saotome! You remember Jin Saotome, right? Talented kid. Makes his own custom action figures,…
Preoders usually aren't necessary. Even if a game does sell out on opening day (which is rare), you're usually…
Worried that Fallout 3 may be a little too dumbed down for your tastes, PC fans? Course you are. The same…