Fallout: New Vegas will include a gambling minigame called "Caravan," which is a form of head-to-head blackjack.…
The achievement set for Fallout: New Vegas got out on Friday, courtesy of the fine folks at Xbox360Achievements.org.…
Ho'in ain't new to Fallout: New Vegas. Hell, boffing Nova in Moriarity's upstairs was one of the first things I did…

Fallout casemods for the Xbox 360 are great, but you can do so much more with a PC.
A3-21 Plasma Rifle from Fallout 3, assembled by Ryan Palser and painted by his wife, Dena. Loads more images on his…
You've got reader Dan to thank for this incredible Fallout: New Vegas-inspired Xbox 360 case mod.
Answer: "We're game development pussies," Bethesda's Todd Howard said at a QuakeCon panel on Friday. No really, the…
With the next Fallout game being set in Sin City, it's only natural the game would star the vocal talents or Mr. Las…
Joel Haddock is not happy with modern role-playing games made in the West. Great things are missing, he argues, in a…
Japanese role-playing games are different from Western ones. And by "different" some would say, "not as good".
It starts with a box, says the developer of the follow up to the hugely successful Fallout 3. Oh, but don't call…
Fashion based on Fallout 3? May sound a little dirty - and it is - but some people like it dirty.
The fleshlight is, to put it bluntly, a device for assisting in the act of male masturbation. It's also, shockingly,…
Reader Pablo made this as a gift to the guys at Fallout developers Bethesda. Awesome job, Pablo!
After a long gestation period - and its fair share of legal woes - the Fallout massively multiplayer online game is…
Fallout 3 introduced us to the Ink Spots and 1941's "I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire." Fallout: New Vegas…
You may want to hit "mute", but even in silence it's probably still worth watching this Fallout: New Vegas clip,…

Desert Story is a fan-made short film set in the Fallout universe, in which a transaction over hookers goes a…
Yesterday 2K Games panicked some gamers with news that the turn-based tactics series X-Com will return as a first-pe…
The artist who drew the perk images for Fallout 2 recently revealed his deleted concept for the game's "Childkiller"…