Fallout 4’s latest update is en route, promising to bring a few changes and fix a bunch of bugs, several of which…

Forget nuclear winter—a new Fallout 4 mod for PC lets you play the whole game in actual winter.

I think maybe Kylo Ren has a taste for blood after the end of The Force Awakens...

On PC, Fallout 4 is an endless sea of possibility. Anything you can imagine, you can probably download as a…
Codsworth, the robo-buttler of Fallout 4's main character’s family in all his glory. Photographer Mark Mosinski…
There are already a number of mods out there which alter the appearance of Fallout 4, but they don’t go quite as far…

Bless the leader of the Minutemen, and his never-ending supply of endangered settlements. He just wants to make the…

For most players, getting killed immediately after entering a new area in Fallout 4 is enough to reconsider playing…

The wasteland has terrifying secrets, the likes of which you’ve never seen before.

Most of us probably walked through the Glowing Sea, Fallout 4’s most irradiated area, decked in Power Armor or a…

And you thought normal Deathclaws were dangerous.
Picking a faction in Fallout 4 is the most agonizing choice in the entire game. Turns out, deciding the fate of the…

Watch as one gamer blazes through the capital wasteland in the time it takes most of us to deliberate over a single…

Who wins when 1,000 malevolent mutant monsters swarm ten massively-murderous mechs? The viewing public.

Ever notice Fallout 4’s awesome mushroom clouds? They look damn convincing! Here’s how Bethesda did it.
Opinions about Fallout 4 may be as sprawling and changeable as the Commonwealth wasteland, but most people agree…

Most of us probably spent hours in the first town of Fallout: New Vegas. Here, you can watch someone beat the entire…

Fallout 4 expects you to commit murder. While you can occasionally avoid killing others, the wasteland is ruthless…

In Fallout 4, not only is Santa Claus real, he wears a damn Power Armor suit. Because of course he does.