YouTube’s biggest star uploaded a video today where he apologized for casually dropping the n-word during a Battlegro…
Think Destiny 2 is a little too easy? Good news: The quest for the Rat King sidearm is just the kind of extreme…
Between the “adpocalypse” that drained advertising money from YouTube, and highly-publicized fiascos involving popula…
Game developer Sean Vanaman announced on social media today that Campo Santo, the studio behind the indie game Firewa…
For the most part, Destiny 2 makes it easier to level up than its predecessor did. If you’re rushing to raise your…
Destiny 2 has been out for a few days, and we’ve played enough to form some general impressions. Join me and Jason…
Destiny 2 doesn’t let players carry over any of the gear or progress they earned in the first game. It’s a bitter…
Pokémon may be marketed toward younger fans, but the most well-known competitors are adults. This year, however, the…
So you want to play Destiny 2 but are a little foggy about the first game? No worries, I got you.
GTA Online’s newest update, Smuggler’s Run, is all about planes and over-the-top action. After months and months of…
Pokémon Go’s roster of legendary beasts gets a little bigger today, Niantic announced. Except this time, you might…
Kingdom Battle is a love letter to Mario and the Mushroom Kingdom, and you see this reverence in nearly every aspect…
The PC version of the Destiny 2 beta landed this week, and it’s remarkably slick and pretty. For a certain subset of…
Mario’s power as an icon is defined by his versatility. The plumber doesn’t just jump: he fights, he drives, he…
Have you ever looked directly at the Sun only to find it wasn’t there? That’s the question asked by The 2017 Solar…
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an easy video game to like in spite of its flaws. It’s buoyed by a winning cast of…
Some people are out there chasing today’s eclipse outside, sometimes in a different state or country. Plenty of…
This week on Kotaku Splitscreen I’m joined by boss man Stephen Totilo to talk about No Man’s Sky, Metroid Amiibo, Unc…
No Man’s Sky keeps changing, almost entirely for the better. With each update, I’ve worried Hello Games is finally…
Today Thomas Was Alone and Volume designer Mike Bithell dropped a surprise game on Steam called Subsurface Circular.…