Destiny 2 has been out for a few days, and we’ve played enough to form some general impressions. Join me and Jason for a special episode of Kotaku Splitscreen that’s all about Bungie’s big sequel.
Listen here:
We don’t spoil anything from the story, other than to say that you should really play through the entire thing unspoiled if possible. Also, at 27:29 we get into the music (with examples!), which was a fun conversation because the music for Destiny 2 is so very good. If you want to download an MP3 of the episode, you can do that here.
My full Destiny 2 review won’t run until after we’ve played the raid, since I’m only just getting into the endgame, which is often where this kind of game runs into trouble. In the meantime, we’ll have plenty more coverage of the game next week, and will be back to our regular Splitscreen recording schedule as well.
As always, you can find Splitscreen on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. Reach us at with any and all questions, requests, and suggestions.