Nintendo’s brilliant online shooter Splatoon 2 deserves to be copied by other similar games. Not necessarily the…
Earlier this year, YouTube’s biggest star sparked controversy after Disney severed ties with him over jokes about…
Atlas Rising, the latest No Man’s Sky patch, promised players “increased biome variety and rare exotic biomes.” Over…
Every year it seems our planet spins closer to catastrophe. Superstorms ravage our coastlines, and clean water…
In real life, people leave the bustle of city life for the country all the time. Turns out, that phenomenon happens…
Good job shooting all those aliens! Now, did you ever stop to wonder just why you were shooting them?
Well, that sure was an episode of Game of Thrones.
Splatoon 2's big event has kicked off in Japan, where players are finding that the game takes the mayo vs ketchup…
I don’t know if this is some weird digital version of Stockholm Syndrome, or my trying to rationalize a Nintendo-ass…
Legendary raids are supposed to be Pokémon Go’s toughest battles, with promotional materials often showing large…
Hello, fellow Splatoon fans. I’m writing to you today, just a bit ahead of Splatfest, to remind you that you…
As of yesterday, Articuno is no longer available in Pokémon Go. Instead, the fiery Moltres has started spawning in…
Titanfall 2 may have faded from the public consciousness since last fall, but the developers at Respawn have…
Your first few levels in Splatoon 2 will fly by, but soon enough you’ll be slowly crawling toward your next rank and…
The first Splatoon gave us a new way to play multiplayer shooters, a genre that sometimes feels stale. Two years…
The screenshot above shows the results of a Splatoon 2 match I played over the weekend. You’ll notice my team won by…
By popular demand, we’re back with another bonus Game of Thrones episode of Kotaku Splitscreen.
Pokémon Go players now have a chance to capture two rare birds, Lugia and Articuno. Some players attempting these…
Despite a plague of issues during the live event, Pokémon Go players will soon get a chance at a rare monster. Fest…
Players at the first ever live Pokémon Go event do not seem happy this morning, judging from reports of long lines…