Good news for Smash Bros. fans: there's no tripping in the newest one.
Also during Venus Patrol's indie E3 showcase, developer and Indie Fund partner Kellee Santiago took the stage to announce an agreement to finance two unannounced original games from Tim Schafer's Double Fine. Expect more on those in the coming months.

There's a reason sailing the sea in the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was so slow and…

At Venus Patrol's alterna-E3 indie showcase, a sequel to Phil Fish's successful dimensional puzzler Fez was…
Last night’s edition of Comedy Central’s fake news program had cranky commentator Lewis Black ranting about new and…

At Sony's E3 booth, they've got a PlayStation 4 on display and playable. You can't get to the console itself, but…

On the E3 show floor, Kotaku's Jason Schreier managed to get a hands-on with the Vita version of Curve Studios' Steal…

If an anime with Nintendo characters existed, the powerful opening theme of Attack on Titan series would be a…
The folks over at Twitch have been streaming live gameplay demos from E3 all week. I know this, becuase every now…
At their E3 analyst briefing yesterday, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata revealed the company's plans to revitalize…

Kingdom Hearts fans were overjoyed to the teaser announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3 at E3 on Monday. Tired of the…
As seen from the photograph, the well-tanned Yakuza series developer, Toshihiro Nagoshi was walking among the crowds…

Maybe it's because it's a hard game to nail in a single sentence, maybe because it's Platinum's "other" Wii U game…

E3 is, for many attendees, nothing but one giant party. Most of the time, those parties are in dark venues with…
Most professional press attending E3 avoid going overboard on grabbing "swag". It's unprofessional (plus it's…

And it's lovely. Atlus, keep doin' what you're doin'.
I love Mirror's Edge so much I'm not going to get into it here, but the game had its faults. All those indoor bits,…
Later this year, Microsoft's awful points system will be retired. Yes. In its place, you'll be buying content using…

While wandering around the E3 show floor today, I ran into XSEED's Jessica Chavez, who you might remember from an…
In case you hadn't realised there's a difference between the guys who design the inside of a console and the guys…