Back in 2009 at the Tokyo Game show, Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega Man, Onimusha, and Dead Rising said the…
Lots of attention—some of it creepy—has been paid to all the new characters coming to the fourth installment of…
As sure as the sun will come up tomorrow, there will always be a new Earth Defense Force game to look forward to.…
Developers DICE never officially sanctioned the use of mods in Battlefield 3, fearing it could lead to stuff like…
If there was one complaint about the early development kits for virtual reality headset Oculus Rift, it's that the…
Ubisoft likes to keep the modern parts of its Assassin's Creed games as secret as possible. But at E3, they revealed…
That's a wrap, folks. The doors are closed and E3 2013 is done for. At least for the people actually there. For you,…
As is tradition, show organizers wished E3 attendees farewell on this final day of E3 with a banner to tell them…
It's called Hohokum and it'll be out on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Vita (though what you see here is on…
Smash Bros. got introduced for the Wii U and for the 3DS on Tuesday, during Nintendo's E3 direct and we had the…
Behind The Witness—Jonathan Blow's next puzzle-esque game after Braid—is a mission. To solve all those awful…
When we think video game mascots, PlayStation isn't the first console that comes to mind, but Sony has quite a few…
Look, no one’s actually expecting that more characters and critters died in this week’s Nintendo Direct broadcast than in Sony or Microsoft’ E3 presentations. But, still, the question remains: just how many folks kicked the bucket while the House of Mario showed its cuddly brand of carnage? More than you’d guess? Or… Read more
Sure, everyone’s talking about the Xbox One this week. But it’s not the only new piece of Xbox hardware MIcrosoft…
At E3, our very own Jason Schreier had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with the new handheld Legend of Zelda…
The Nintendo booth at E3 has a curious station featuring a screen with its most iconic characters, Mario and Luigi.…
A black Samsonite backpack belonging to Rami Ismail, co-founder of Ridiculous Fishing and Super Crate Box developer Vlambeer, disappeared during Sony's E3 mixer at the Figueroa hotel last night. According to Joystiq the bag contains an Asus laptop, two Vitas, the iPads, power adapters — Ismail says it's "pretty much… Read more
Retro Studios, makers of the legendary Metroid Prime series, is currently busy creating the next generation of Donkey…
The people behind Smash Bros. say not to expect a lot of third-party characters in the next incarnation of their…
About seven minutes of Watch Dogs gets shown at this PlayStation-hosted preview of Ubisoft’s upcoming hacker…