I ain't telling you no lie. The hook brings you back — even if you've got one eye.
Some people say that the PlayStation Vita doesn't have a lot of games. These people need to go to Sony's E3 booth.
Whether they love them or hate them, video game industry watchers are well aware of booth babes, the women paid to…
In line for Nintendo's booth, Terence Polk checked his smartphone and chitchatted about what he'd come to review. "Su…
We double-checked whether Sony is being cute with their DRM plans and might actually be matching Xbox One in…
We're mere minutes into the next The Walking Dead episode—recently announced downloadable content for the first…
Why is the giant ape of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for the Wii U so damn fluffy? Why is he fighting…
DayZ. It's a wonderfully complicated, extremely hardcore game. Soon the online zombie survival sensation, which…
So much Pokemon X and Pokemon Y news at E3 2013, so little time. Well, not really so little time. I mean, we've…
In the midst of frozen time and shattered glass, you might have forgotten that Quantum Break—the recently-announced…
This is Ryan. Ryan works for Respawn, the developers of...what's the name of their game again?
Another year, another Call of Duty. You know how this stuff works; we get another title which finds new ways to lead…
Ubisoft has confirmed reports that Aveline—the bi-racial heroine from Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation— will be…
Kotaku head honcho Stephen Totilo is absolutely in love with Vine, and he shares his love with you in the form of a…
Microsoft's booth at E3 has a screen showcasing what people are saying about the Xbone on Twitter. It's all…
This clip for the indie title from Compulsion Games doesn’t explain a lot. What it does do is give you a window…
So, people generally agree that Sony kicked Microsoft in the junk when it came to their E3 presentations. But did more people meet untimely ends during the PlayStation press event than in the Xbox one? The best way to find out is to watch The Gameological Society’s newest Murder Report video. Read more
E3 is just one big giant field trip for Nintendo's Satoru Iwata, Reggie Fils-Aime and—lurking in the…
Certainly the first sports game trailer to give me some rather strong vibes of the Wagnerian sort, in any case.…
Actually, half is probably a conservative estimate.