Dust 514, CCP's first-person shooter spinoff from its EVE Online MMO, will (as expected) be a PS3 exclusive. And…
Everyone ready? Folks in the cheap seats? Great. I'm just going to stop typing now and let you watch several…
Want a 3D display? How about a 3D display with PlayStation logo on it? Today at Sony's E3 press conference, the…
Both the God of War Collection of PSP games and the Ico / Shadow of the Colossus HD remakes will both be out on the…
Sony just announced during its E3 press conference that on September 6 a special Resistance 3 bundle will be offered…
Hot Shots Golf for the NGP is everything you love about the series with some smart additions that lean heavily on…
Kotaku is at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, waiting with bated breath for the latest news from Sony on its…
Players have created more than two million mods and tracks on their own for popular PS3 kart racer Modnation Racers,…
The long-in-development Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still being worked on. And because there's a lot more development to…
This fall the Xbox 360 gets a sexy new dashboard update, giving the service a look and feel that should be…
Famed filmmaker Steven Spielberg is directing upcoming feature film The Adventures of Tintin, based on the Tintin…
In this gorgeous cinematic trailer for Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Ezio shows no sign of being slowed down by…
And to think, people used to kill other people with little more than rocks and sticks.
Far Cry returns in more ways than one in 2012, as not only is the series making a comeback, but it's going back…
Forza Motorsport 4 will change car culture forever. But before that, it's getting an E3 trailer.
To the uninitiated, the Chaos Marines in Warhammer 40,000 are just like the Space Marines, only purple with…
Sorry if that seems a little excited, but really, just watch this tank battle footage. My PC is in the opposite…
You know how we said the new Brothers In Arms game had an Inglorious Basterds vibe? This is what we were talking…
Now that Ubisoft's Just Dance series has dominated the Nintendo Wii, dance fever goes airborne with Microsoft's…