Here's a surprise. Nintendo's most interesting game of E3 2011 may also be one of its least-publicised, because The…
One of Sony's big E3 reveals was its 3D display that allows gamers to see two different images on the same screen…
Anarchy Reigns from Osaka's Platinum Games is like violent Wii title MadWorld—except people are going to buy it.
PlayStation title Dragon's Crown has the worst game title font I've ever seen. It also has enormous norgs. Go…
Like IBM, hardware company AMD has also issued a release boasting of its support for Nintendo's new Wii U console.
The very definition of a tease, this is a clip for upcoming MMO Warhammer 40K: Dark Millennium, a game set in the…
Our long Mario Party drought is over! The last game in Nintendo's Mario Party series, Mario Party 8, was released…
This morning, Nintendo showed off a highlight reel of third-party games supposedly running on its new Wii U…
The Wii Vitality Sensor debuted at the 2009 E3 gaming expo. Then it was too mellow for last year's and this year's…
A Pikmin game has long been in development for the Wii. Well, it's not anymore, as Nintendo has announced that the…
Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario and Zelda, is winding up development on Wii games, the Nintendo legend…
At Nintendo's Q&A session earlier today, Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that prior to development of the…
The newly revealed Luigi's Mansion 2 won't be developed internally by Nintendo, but by Canada's Next Level Games,…
I haven't done a faster turnaround on a game than I did with Prey 2 the other day. Granted, that was for a cinematic…
More from the Nintendo Q&A: it seems Mario Kart 3DS is being developed not solely by Nintendo, but as a…
Fresh from the Nintendo Q&A, we've learned that Super Mario 3DS has at least one neat level: one that's a Zelda…
Kotaku's Stephen Totilo checked out Kinect title Hulk Hogan's Main Event earlier today and got wrestling advice…
Kirby is headed to the Nintendo DS with Kirby Mass Attack. This is the game's latest trailer. Watch it. Or not.
Disney Universe is essentially LEGO: Disney Movies without the LEGO. If that doesn't make sense, watch the video.
Vibrant, colorful, and full of joy, Kirby Wii is exactly the sort of game experience I crave when I power on…