At today's EA press conference, the latest entry in the Need for Speed series, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit was…
Microsoft is promising 15 games at launch for its new motion controller Kinect, which hits first in North America on…
Join us as we explore the wonders of the 2010 E3 EA press conference!
Microsoft believes that Sony's E3 press conference tomorrow will, among other things, introduce a pay plan for the…
Microsoft says "We haven't yet announced pricing details for Kinect," but retailer GameStop is taking a stab at…
We already saw a bit of gameplay from Treyarch's upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops, but this E3 trailer shows us…
These are the specs for the new Xbox 360, which include a "custom Kinect port," a new system fan that's "as quiet as…
The new 250GB, Wi-fi included Xbox 360, seen sitting idly by the also new Kinect for Xbox 360, as seen outside…
Microsoft unveiled its smaller, sleeker Xbox 360 design, packing a 250GB hard drive and built-in wireless-n.…
Microsoft has nailed down November 4 as the release date for the Kinect control system, with 15 titles available at…
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved by Ubisoft will make use of Microsoft Kinect to deliver a range of exercises, from…
Kinect engineer Ron Forbes demonstrated how users will navigate Xbox Live using Microsoft's motion-control system…
Microsoft and ESPN have struck a deal delivering exclusive sports programming to Xbox Live. The partnership will…
At Microsoft's E3 news conference, live now, Crysis maker Crytek revealed via live action trailer it's working on an…
During Microsoft's E3 press conference, Metal Gear Creator Hideo Kojima introduced a trailer for Metal Gear Solid:…
Microsoft struck a deal with Activision guaranteeing all map packs and game add-ons for Call of Duty: Black Ops will…
It's Xbox 360 E3 liveblog time here in Los Angeles. And you can watch the event live yourself. Look below for all…
At first I thought this was a Marine CH-46 ferrying a extremely large, green hot dog. No, it's actually an Army…
Are Nintendo's Wii remote and nunchuk controllers too big for your hands? Power A has your freakishly misshapen…
Stuart Black was going to make a typically dreary first person shooter. Then he went to see a Lady Gaga concert.