While we haven't gotten Sony to answer our question yet about how UMD games will or won't be transferable to PSP Go…
Earlier this week Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony each hit the show with big news, unveiling a slew of major titles,…
Sony's "Play Create Share" initiative picks up speed with the debut of ModNation Racers for the PlayStation 3, a…
Funny thing, making a sequel to Mafia. A game that, for all its innovation, has been forgotten in the wake of the…

E3 isn't just about the big, triple-A games, there are also plenty of indie games as well.
Hot off its Project Natal demonstration, Microsoft is saying the Xbox 360 will have a ten year life cycle.
At Konami's E3 Booth yesterday I got my first chance to play the video game adaptation of the smash hit horror film…
I was initially drawn to "Critter Crunch" by its unique art style, but once I picked up the controller I was sucked…
Looks pretty damn good for a Wii title, doesn't it? High Voltage seems to be positioning themselves as the premeir…
The three works of Dante's Divine Comedy are ripe with possibility. Each of the books paint compelling pictures of…
Monado: Beginning of the World didn't get much attention from Nintendo during its E3 2009 media briefing this week,…
The game...has a new concept...called "Self Co-Op", which...lets players use their...past...to...help solve the…
Who wants a Wii game with great graphics and no motion control?
There are lots of booths at E3. This post has some of them.
Details about this Japanese arcade title are scant and scattered. Here's what we know:
It. Just. Doesn't. End. We had another day of E3. Day one, two, three, actually! Lots of new, lots of coverage, lots…
The PSP version of Soulcalibur IV, known as Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, continues the long-running tradition of…
Long before Left 4 Dead, High Voltage did four-player survival horror with the Hunter: The Reckoning series, and…
Shigeru Miyamoto dominates day two of E3's clips selection — appearing not once but twice to talk about the absence…