Video games have got a graffiti problem. So much video-game graffiti is dumb, unrealistic, or hamfisted. Considering…
The surprisingly excellent zombie game Dying Light got its first batch of DLC today, Techland said in a surprise announcement. It's called "Cuisine & Cargo," and adds two additional "hardcore zones" (buildings) to explore in the game's world. There are two more bits of DLC coming out in March and May respectively. Read more
Truth be told, I wasn't expecting much out of open-world zombie-slugger Dying Light. I didn't care for its…
Hello there, fellow zombie hunters. Dying Light is upon us. Is the intense difficulty curve getting to you too?…
The latest Dying Light easter egg that's been uncovered transports players to a Super Mario-esque stage, only with a…
Dying Light has only been out for a week, but many players are already itching for bigger and better challenges than…
It was only a matter of time before some brave soul tried to make it through the terrifying zombie survival game Dyin…
Dying Light's latest patch removed a popular weapon-duplicating exploit, but don't worry: there's already a workaround. It only took players like Reddit's BillSavage a few hours to find a new way to break the game's loot system wide open. Learn how to do so in the video tutorial above. Text-instructions included…
See, it's just like pulling a prank on a friend in real life, only instead of helping him up afterwards you split…
I was almost ten hours into Dying Light before I got my hands on a gun. It was an assault rifle, and I had to kill a…
Dying Light has a dropkick attack. It's cool, if only for the visual effect, but when you mess with the values…
In Highlight Reel today we have some close calls in The Crew, stylish ways to kill zombies in Dying Light, a Life…
Most known for developing the Call of Juarez and Dead Island franchises, Techland is back this week to launch a…
In Highlight Reel today we have a load of Dying Light clips, some explosive gas tankers in GTA V, parachute…
Are you playing Dying Light? Are you playing online, in co-op or in "Be The Zombie" mode, on a PC or either console? If it's running well for you, let us know. If you're running into bugs or other problems, let us know that, too! We want to get a sense of how the game is running so far. Thanks. Read more
Dying Light is a game with a lot of loot and a lot of grinding. If you're looking for an easy way around its loot…
The loot cave will never die, apparently.
I wasn't sure what to expect from Dying Light, a new open-world zombie game from a studio known for making the…
Dying Light's add-on multiplayer mode "Be The Zombie" will be free for all players, developer Techland announced this morning. Previously, the DLC had only been available as a pre-order bonus, which enraged many prospective fans who are justifiably sick of that sort of thing. Phew! Read more
Dying Light is supposed to be a big game. But just how big? This new PlayStation Access video shows what it'll be like to walk from one end of the map all the way to the other. Needless to say, there are plenty of zombies in-between.