Gamers who prefer their operating systems designed by Apple will also have a chance to take a bite of Duke Nukem…
This has nothing to do with Duke Nukem Forever the game, but it's still a sad tale as far as game advertising goes.

There's been alot of talk lately about the content of Duke Nukem Forever in comparison to Duke Nukem 3D and if…

There's been a lot said about Duke Nukem Forever, not much of it good.

I played Duke Nukem Forever by myself. Couldn't stand it. Maybe I should have had some beers and played it with a…
Judge a small portion of Duke Nukem Forever for yourself. The game's demo has been widely released on Xbox Live…
Duke Nukem Forever begins in a casino bearing the Duke's name. While slowly making your way through this marble-clad…
If you thought Duke Nukem Forever was the last gasp for the '90s video game icon, well, what the hell were you…
If you know the name Jim Redner, there's a good chance you know him for the single Duke Nukem Forever tweet that…
Who cares if Duke Nukem Forever is "good" or not? It is at least as satisfying as a greasy burger, as catchy as a…
There has been quite a lot of talk about the unusual making of Duke Nukem Forever. Years of production and numerous…

I've finished Duke Nukem Forever. There are a lot of things wrong with it, which I'll get to next week in my review.…
A third-party public relations firm tweeted last night that they would be "reviewing who gets games next time and…
Unsurprisingly, Gearbox forum posters are talking about Duke Nukem Forever, and while they can't seem to decide what…

Say what you will about Gearbox's Duke Nuke Forever, but it sounds like their community party was, as the kids…
While my review is forthcoming, it's no spoiler that Duke Nukem Forever isn't a Game of the Year contender. Question…
Who is Duke Nukem, and why—after all of these years—are we still talking about him? One of our readers has…

Some time on Saturday, as I was playing Duke Nukem Forever on my Xbox 360, I realized that in all the…
Conceived in 1997, born in 2011. Duke Nukem Forever is no longer vaporware. It comes out in Europe today; it'll be…