As seen at Disney's pre-E3 event in Los Angeles this week.
Who says a movie tie-in can't be innovative and exciting? Toy Story 3's build-your-own-adventure Toy Box mode…
My biggest concern with over-the-top racer Split/Second isn't with its explosive premise or arcade controls, it's…
While a portion of Disney Interactive's video game adaptation will follow the events of the animated movie, its Toy…
I can be happy in second place, happier in third. At least if I'm playing Disney and Black Rock's upcoming racing…
Speaking with game designer Warren Spector earlier this week, he told Kotaku that Disney Epic Mickey is currently a…
As seen in the video game adaptation of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Click to make it grow larger.
The Princess and the Frog is the first Disney feature animated film with a black princess, which has a lot of people …
Game designer Warren Spector, of Thief, Deus Ex and System Shock fame, may have a new muse in Mickey Mouse. A report…
The Wall Street Journal has some advice — we're guessing unsolicited — for Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger: Maybe it's…
Saying "peripheral-free" is like saying "castrated" when it comes to music games. Isn't half the fun of playing Rock…
I doubt many of you played Hannah Montana: Music Jam on DS and if you did, you probably wouldn't admit to it here.…
Disney's upcoming four-wheeler PURE is going to be packed to the brim with house, electronic and hip-hop music it…
Ultimate Band is Disney Interactive's answer to those people who want to have the music band game experience without…