We’ve seen video games nail cloth physics, hair physics, and even water physics. Penis physics, though? That’s…
Female nudity mods, Fallout 4 already has covered. Male nudity mods are a whole other story, though.
It feels like video games got raunchier in 2015. More games tackled sex in novel ways this year, and many of the…
If you think this looks like a penis, you are not alone. Gintama character Shinpachi did, too.
Online game World of Tanks pulls out some big guns in its latest Japanese commercial.
Naked Trevor is Trevor in his prime. Here is the proof. (NSFW warning.)
This weekend, Smash Bros. got a free Miiverse stage that imports posts created by players. You probably see where…
Give someone the ability to create anything they want, and there’s a 99% chance that person will make a dick.
It’s rare for a video game to hang dong. Cobra Club, the newest game by developer Robert Yang, doesn’t just feature…
In The Witcher 3, Geralt is one swinging dude. He must have some libido! Seems he doesn’t have much of a weenie—or,…
Make that an “adorable” anime penis. This month, Knights of Sidonia’s second season kicks off in Japan, and the…
You don’t have to look very far to find naked breasts in video games. Uncensored dicks, on the other hand? Those are…
Give people the tools to build whatever they want, and they'll probably create amazing technological wonders. Also,…
Last year, Kotaku reported that a South Korean artist, Eunsuk Yoo, created a very friendly Spider-Man statue that…
Surely, there was a better place to put the triggers.
Each summer, dermatology company Ikeda Mohando rolls out a new series of jock itch medicine commercials. They…
As part of a PS Vita summer campaign, Sony has released a new Japanese ad on YouTube that can be described as…
Erotic games are not mainstream in Japan. They are incredibly niche. But that hasn't stopped them from innovating,…
If you miss the sign in Pocheon City for the restaurant Deolmusae, no worries. You can always look for the giant…
And you thought the Titans were the only birthday suit cosplay Attack on Titan offered? Silly you!