As the dark-haired Dante explores the world of Ninja Theory's upcoming Devil May Cry game he'll stumble across…
While I enjoyed the Japanese-developed Devil May Cry series and adore English developer Ninja Theory, I had…
The new Devil May Cry is being made halfway around the world from the studio that birthed all the others. You may…
As soon as games launch, he or she's got 'em. This gamer doesn't just play games, this gamer collects them. Their…
It's inadvertently been a Devil May Cry week here at Kotaku. First we get the new screens of the DmC re-boot, then…
It's been quiet when it's come to updates on the somewhat controversial reboot of Capcom's demon-hunting franchise.…
Perhaps! That's exactly what one Japanese netizen tried to do: Create Dante from Devil May Cry using Dark Souls'…
Having long been the subject of rumors, speculation, and ESRB ratings, the Devil May Cry HD Collection is now a…
Earlier this year we published a rumor that the first three games in Capcom's famed Devil May Cry series would be…
My best camera lost its shutter button a year ago. My second best camera lost its button five shots into today's…
When DMC: Devil May Cry was first unveiled, all people could see (and react to, and shriek in horror at) was the…
DMC: Devil May Cry isn't only getting a new trailer at this year's Gamescom, it's getting new screens. Funny that!
Devil May Cry is getting reworked as DMC: Devil May Cry—a fresh take on an old favorite.
Dragon's Dogma is rumored to be the most expensive game Capcom has ever made. Wonder where that money is going? It's…
This year is the 10th anniversary of the Devil May Cry series, and to commemorate the occasion, it looks like Capcom…
Continuing a "multimedia" promotional strategy that's seen such wonders as the latest Street Fighter movie, Capcom…
Don't like the new Dante's look? You may want to watch this.
As far as short nicknames go, hers must be on of the shortest. Going by the frisky sounding "H", this cosplayer…
Dante the demon slayer may be gracing the silver screen soon, now that Hollywood studio Screen Gems—the people who…
No sadly, not the monkey man. A photo from Capcom's office Halloween hijinks (above) shows Mike Haggar on a…