It's inadvertently been a Devil May Cry week here at Kotaku. First we get the new screens of the DmC re-boot, then a spotlight on the series' other half-demon bad-ass Vergil in an Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 video. Now comes a new trailer with snippets from the collection's three games, all re-done in up-rezzed shininess.
You know, looking back at the dialogue and over-the-top action of the franchise's original trilogy, Dante was always a little goofy. It's odd that any kind of "OMG, don't change a thing" dogma arises around a character who clearly doesn't give a damn himself. Still, if you're one of the vocal contingent who have hate in their hearts for new Dante, then you can just pretend he doesn't exist when you scoop up the DMC HD Collection early next year.
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