You don't want the truth because deep down, you want me on those deals, you need me on those deals. We use words…

Tuesday I was turning onto the Delta Highway up here and some shitbag in a Dodge Charger wouldn't let me merge. I…
Heavy Rain and Madden NFL 11 lead the charge into a day filled with PlayStation 3 deals in Amazon's shiny golden…
The White House wants to know, is everything OK with the alien space craft from Planet 10 or should we just go ahead…
Son, your ego is writing coupons your body can't cash. You've been busted, you lost your qualifications as section…

Just wanted to remind y'all who said it first. Now I'm giving you a choice. Either click on these coupons or start…

Now, I know you think you're the A-number one hotshot, but here's the juice: If I take you out, ten more coupons…
Dtay tola! Dee Jabba wanga. Nee Jabba no badda. Me chaade su goodie. Yo mahta chee toya pon Coupons. Jabba no toosa…
You're ghostin' us. I don't care who you are back in the world, you give away our coupons one more time, I'll bleed…
Where can you get 27 different id Software and Bethesda Softworks titles for only $70? At the Steam QuakeCon 2010…
He's the hero Logitech deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it.…
You've got a little less than a week left to buy games like GTA: Chinatown Wars, Fat Princess and PixelJunk Shooter…
If there's as much savings here as I think there is, it'll be harder to reach but once we find it, we can take it…
You wanna know how you do it? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one…
Optimus Prime leads the charge as charges the day with deals on Singularity, Metro 2033, Red Dead…
You spot a man's tell, you don't say a fuckin' word. I finally spotted KGB's. And usually I'd've let him go on…
While we still await official word on the pricing on Microsoft's Kinect, Walmart has started selling preorder…
David Banner is believed to be dead, and he must let the world think that he is dead, until he can find a way to…

If you don't throw in your buck o'five who will? Freedom costs $1.05. With free shipping from Newegg.
A handful of Xbox Live Arcade's critical successes are now vying for commercial accessibility. Defense Grid, P.B.…