Two long-time members of hacker group Anonymous tell the Financial Times that members of the loosely organized…
A teenager has been arrested in Saskatoon, Canada, after he was caught giving a murder confession. How was he…
Richard Kretovic, accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy he met through Xbox Live, has been indicted on nine…
To catch those responsible for the attacks on the PlayStation Network, which has brought the service down for over a…
Shinboku-con 2011 was held in Westlake, Ohio over the weekend, and was a festival aimed at showcasing and…
According to Kevin Stevens, an online security expert with TrendMicro, "low-level cybercriminals" are currently…
The Federal Bureau of Investigations today confirmed to Kotaku that it is looking into the security breach that…
In December of 2010, 18-year-old Alex Trowell of Idaho was on his way to visit his 12-year-old World of Warcraft…
PS3 rapper hacker George Hotz got sued by Sony. He made an rap video that drew comparisons between getting fucked…
While the financial ramifications of the PlayStation Network's "external intrustion" on Sony, PlayStation developers…
A recently released video game for Google's Android platform has drawn the ire of the Humane Society for its violent…
No arrests have been made connected to the Playstation outage, Kotaku has confirmed, despite a story making the…
There is no cell phone service on most of the mostly-subterranean New York City subway. So when the New York Police…
Police are calling for parents to search the Xbox Live friend's lists of their children for the user name of self-pr…
A St. Petersburg, Florida man tried—and failed miserably—to rob a convenience store by subjecting the clerk to the…
A 19-year-old from Greece, New York, that identifies himself on Xbox Live as a "homosexual furry" has been arrested…
Late last year, authorities from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency released the photo here. It shows a…
The 34-year-old woman who left her 13-month-old boy alone in a bathtub while she played a Facebook video game got 10…
The FBI now is raiding homes looking for World of Warcraft gold farmers. The party van showed up March 30 at an…
Last Thursday, Brazil was visited by its own Columbine massacre. 23-year-old Wellington Menezes de Oliveira opened…