A counterfeiter who made about £600,000 selling cartridges and discs loaded with pirated Nintendo games will do at…
When not appearing in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, David Petraeus is at the center of a sex scandal—a very confusing…
Described as "Russia's Breivik"—a reference to Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass shooter who killed 77 in…
On November 4, a sixty year-old man noticed something suspicious at a railroad crossing in Yabu, Japan: a large…
Chris Olivera, formerly the vice president of corporate communications for GameStop, pleaded guilty on Thursday to…
Small indie studio Checkpoint had a deal with Japanese publishers Marvelous to release two games by the end of 2012.…
Over the weekend a Chinese Security guard was caught using company phones overnight to telecharge for virtual…
A 27 year-old Taiwanese man surnamed Luo befriended a woman surnamed Lin, 21, a resident of New Taipei City. They…
Justin Success Brooks—yes, success is his middle name—made about £600,000 selling cartridges and discs loaded with…
The owner of a Utah game studio is going to jail for not paying his employees. Criminal prosecution for nonpayment…
On October 1, a teacher in Aichi Prefecture, Japan warned a 14 year-old student several times about reading manga in…
This Saturday in Foshan City, China, a shirtless man started gnawing on a woman's face. The woman, surnamed "Pan",…
"This week, I'm going to blow up Nintendo headquarters." This anonymous online message appeared on September 10 of…
Sad news this evening from Hercules, California, where the mother of Neversoft concept artist Simon Ko has…
If you think the internet is a place where information can be shared freely, a place where things like copyright law…
In the aftermath of 38 Studios' collapse, a slew of government investigators said they were probing the maker of King…
Hamburger scamsters out there, take note! Thirty-five year-old Akira Watanabe was recently nabbed for trying to pull…
Over the last two weeks China an Japan have been at a war of words over who owns the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands. This…
Website CollegeHumor has a section called Works Sucks. It's a place where the downtrodden and downbeat can swap…