What kind of game can you buy with $7.50 at your local Target? This kind of game. Let's take a look at UFO…
What kind of game can you buy with $7.50 at your local Target? This kind of game. Let's take a look at UFO…
You've seen the Fallout: New Vegas Collector's Edition. You've seen its contents. But you've never seen it unboxed…
Even if you have an expansive all-white room to play it in, this is not how you will look while playing Sonic Free…
Using a standard Apple component cable and an iPhone 4 as a controller, Majic Jungle Software's Chopper 2…
Next week, Japanese game developer MileStone's shoot'em up Radirgy: Noir hits the Xbox 360. The game is not cheap.
This is the latest trailer for The Last Story, an upcoming role-playing game for the Wii from the creator of the…
Earlier this year, Senior Editor Michael McWhertor took a couple days off to appear as an unpaid Tester panelist…
We're getting a little tired of Minecraft's arts-and-craft shows. Yes, you made Mega Man, well done. But there's al…
Puzzle hero Professor layton and legal champion Phoenix Wright, together in the same Nintendo 3DS game? Crazy. It's…
Get ready to reach for the replay button, as this brief Halo: Reach clip highlights one of the best multiplayer…
The Playstation 3's drop into motion gaming had a surprising side effect: More on-rails light gun games. The Shoot…
The Soldier of Fortune Theme Pack is available today for Dead Rising 2, transforming Chuck Greene into a lean,…
Or splash them with holy water. Or lure them with zombie bait. Or shoot them with their own body parts. It's a…
When someone says "it's a game of cat and mouse", this isn't what they're talking about. Though it probably should…
Exploring death in dreams. Upcoming role-playing game "Catherine" is the latest title from Persona developer Atlus,…
Sega's next entry in its popular Yakuza (nee Ryu ga Gotoku) series pits its cast of Japanese gangsters—and…
Atlus releases a new gameplay trailer to celebrate the big reveal of the three platforms Frozenbyte's Trine 2 is…
It took me more than forty hours to play through From Software's dark dungeon crawler Demon's Souls, which now…
No matter how many times I see the names together, seeing Matthew Perry alongside Ron Perlman, Wayne Newton,…
With all the character reveals, beta testing, and viral websites, one could almost forget that Assassin's Creed:…