It's amazing what a single, surprisingly-fitting piece of music can do for a game. Take Robot Unicorn Attack, for…
It's amazing what a single, surprisingly-fitting piece of music can do for a game. Take Robot Unicorn Attack, for…
The theme song for Conan O'Brien's new show on TBS sounds sorta kinda like a theme song from Super Mario Bros. 3.…
Our video games are in color. Even our noir video games set in 1940s Los Angeles. They don't have to be, right?…
The Nintendo 3DS is a glasses-free 3D gaming portable due next February for ¥25,000 (US$299). That's a long ways…
I can't remember if I ever even finished PC adventure game Myst. There was just so much sitting, and thinking, and…
Woody Allen once said, "Showing up is 80 percent of life." It seems to be 100 percent of new Xbox 360 game Joy…
It says a lot about the Metal Gear Solid series that the best description of its follies I've ever seen comes from…
You don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars if you want to own your own flight simulator. You can just do…
This cool demonstration by Design I/O, which produces "interactive installations" shows the Kinect being used to…
After going on sale earlier this month in North America, Kinect finally launched in Japan. How'd it go?
Dare we dream that Michel Gondry's Green Hornet could beat the bad buzz? Today's new trailer and a handful of…
You've seen the reason Sub-Zero fights, now check out the chillingly brutal moves the ice ninja is bringing to the…
LEGO Harry Potter for the iPhone and iPad is a surprisingly deep, surprisingly detailed experience, one that…
Most glitches, serious ones at least, will ruin a game. This one, encountered during a site's playthrough of…
On the left of your screen, Sports Champions for the PlayStation Move. On the right, Dance Central for Kinect. And…
Disney's new Mickey Mouse adventure already looks spectacular, but some discriminating video game fans would…
Sure, video games let us shoot at Fidel Castro and play as former Presidents, but where's the game that attacks our…
Rage HD has been a contender for best-looking iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch game since we first saw it this summer. Today,…
While the Fellowship of the Ring is slowly realizing that everything would have gone much smoother had Gandalf…