Yesterday, you were able to read about the first 400 turns I made in Civilization V. Today, you can tell me what to…
This preview of Civilization V is incomplete. It takes more than nine Earth hours, you see, for the great Arabian…
I'd imagine most people picking up Civilization V will know exactly what they're getting themselves into, but just…
Gubernatorial proclamation naming Sept. 21, 2010 - the game's release date - as "Sid Meier's Civilization V Day" in…
PC strategy fans love them some Civilization, but do they love it enough to spend double retail price for the game…
About 20 people were laid-off from Firaxis, the creators of Civilization V, parent company 2K confirmed to Kotaku…
While the last Civilization V trailer got us hot and heavy with menu footage, this one hits a little closer to home,…
All the bombastic trailers, third-person shooters and celebrity actors in the world couldn't stop this from being my…
During this week's broadcast of our Kotaku Talk Radio podcast, legendary game designer Sid Meier explains how the…
Firaxis Games co-founder and Civilization creator Sid Meier expanded the minds of GDC attendees by talking about the…
Civilization games teach us to respect culture and science, to honor learning and the sharpness of swords. But…
Civilization was never the most realistic game, and those who enjoyed battling against a nuclear-armed Gandhi have…
Take-Two Interactive has a very busy fiscal fourth quarter, pegging four big games, L.A. Noire, Mafia II, Max Payne…